Flat Roof Rain Leak Testing In Las Vegas
Flat roofs are extremely popular in the Nevada and Las Vegas areas. Many of these roofs are extremely large in size, many thousands of square feet. Even though it seems like it doesn’t rain a lot in Nevada, specifically Las Vegas, it rains just enough to create havoc in the flat roof systems. Water leak testing and flat roof inspections for these roofs in Las Vegas take specialized equipment as well as technical equipment.
Flat roof testing methods for Las Vegas Buildings
With flat roof testing the go-to method is almost always non-destructive. We achieve this by either using an infrared camera to perform these tests or flat roof infrared scans. We can also walk the roof with a moisture meter. In either case, the Las Vegas flat roof tests never involve the damage or removal of any roofing material. Flat roof testing In Las Vegas can be performed either at night with an infrared camera or in the day with a flat roof scanner.

Non-destructive Flat Roof testing ASTM 7954
With non-destructive flat roof water intrusion testing in Las Vegas, you have to have all the right tools. Some of these tools can be extremely expensive to possess but necessary as they are effective in locating water in flat roof systems.
Deck Scanner

For flat roof scans, we use the Tramex Dec Scanner. It is a portable, non-destructive impedance scanner engineered for the immediate assessment of moisture conditions in flat roofing and waterproofing systems in accordance with ASTM D7954.
The Dec Scanner roof moisture meter identifies and quantifies leaks in the roofing system. Additionally, this Dec Scanner offers three sensitivity ranges and achieves a maximum depth penetration of 6 inches (152 mm). Facilitating the examination of various roof membranes and insulation thicknesses. Lastly, measurements are immediate, and a flat roof expanse of up to 100,000 square feet can be adequately addressed within a single day.
Our Dec Scanner is optimal for water leak detection and integrity testing in many types of Nevada roofing materials. This is mostly because of its ease of use, safety, and absence of regulatory constraints or operating license requirements.
The infrared Camera
We have an infrared camera that we use for the inspection and testing of flat roof systems. Infrared roof scans are an extremely effective way to locate trapped moisture inside a flat roof system. The infrared scans are performed with a very special camera that detects temperature and displays it in color. A professional thermographer interprets the image and determines if the image depicts trapped moisture in the flat roof system